29 July 2009


I have always been the person in the background, the one in the kitchen cleaning up, picking up dishes, and wiping down the tables, while everyone else talked and enjoyed each others company. I have always felt like I am on the outside looking in.

I know now that this is not true.

Right now I feel like for the first time in my life I am Truly Loved. I am loved for the person I am, not for the person someone wants, or expects me to be.

Don't get me wrong I know my husband and children and one maybe two very close friends have always felt this way, but outside of that small circle I felt invisible.

Last night I found that there is a group of women out there who care about and love me very much.
I though that I could leave and start this journey/adventure, stop in now and then to say hi and when the time came just slip back into my place and no one would even notice I had been gone. This is not true I know now that leaving is going to be much harder than anticipated.

I have so many wonderful sisters who showed me so much love that I know I will NOT be able to slip away un-noticed, and that fills my heart to overflowing.

I Love each and everyone of you, I will keep you close in my heart and my prayers through out this journey. This is a journey in faith as well as across the U.S. I am excited to see how God will use me in this new setting.

I look forward to hearing from each of you often until we are reunite once again.

Thank you all for the love you have shown.

19 July 2009

Our Journey Begins

Today was moving day! In order to start this new chapter in our lives we are packing our house up and putting it in storage. For the first time ever we had friends offer and actually show up to help move. I am so grateful. We could not have done it alone.

For the next few days I will be cleaning the house and finishing up the packing.

Our adventure is due to start on the 3rd of August.